Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Carl Gustav Jung : Memories, Dreams, and Reflections

Would you imagine someone analyzing the human mind, psyche and the unconscious, as well as the conscious components of the mind? Carl Jung did. The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung was born on July 26, 1875. Jung was the son of a pastor in the Swiss Reformed Church and went to Basel University in 1895 to study medicine, and student life. He advanced the idea of introvert and extrovert personalities and the power of the unconscious. It is thought that man's behavior and his conscious states can be explained only by unconscious sources of motivation stated by a Psychology Campus that’s studied his work deeply. He collaborated with Sigmund Freud, but disagreed with him about the sexual basis of neuroses.

The Psychologist, Inventor, Psychiatrist and Journalist undertook the telling of his life story on his book “Memories, Dreams, and Reflections”. Jung’s autobiography book especially the chapter 9,Travels, speaks about his encounters with different countries such as Arabian North Africa and the journey to Native American territory. Within this chapter he talks a lot about the different cultures, and his individual and internal journey. He immediately recognizes how much has changed and what his travels has made him see about the women world but equally access to the men’s at depths from which women are typically barred. He usually talks about male friendships that include what Europeans perceive as homosexual behaviors.

This book was written almost 30 years after these travels had taken place and published after his death. Because of the difference in years between of the travels and the publishment of the book, a lot of people think that the events are slightly exaggerated. I personally can’t remember 10 years back exacts memories so imagine someone attempting to remember 30 years back. For what I can see Jung wanted to explore a part of himself that was "unknown" and that’s a mystery that we all want to experience. Traveling helps to expand boundaries and experiences and make things happen. Immersing ourselves too much into a country, its people and the culture when we travel is something normal and nothing to be ashamed but the problem comes when you are not so sure at what was happening or if you are becoming something or someone that you aren't as he mentions. This is the kind of influence our dreams and our experiences have upon us.

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